The Secrets to Great Coaching: Tony Robbins on Leadership and Inspiring Others Video

106K Views · 7 years ago
5:21 Duration 106K Views 7 years ago Submitted
What makes for a great coach? It’s the ability to lead — to make things happen, maximize resources and inspire. It’s the extraordinary quality that solves problems and helps the individual come to a new level understanding of what is possible. And it’s the skill and talent to influence and guide others to make real breakthroughs and create lasting change. Great coaches see things as they are, not worse than they are. They have a firm grasp on reality, and are honest with themselves about where they stand. Unlike most people, however, they do not dwell on problems; they tackle them head on. They have the proper skills and knowledge to assess the situation and find the best path to move forward. Fear and doubt do not play a role in their mission, even though they must take necessary risks to help others break through to the next level. Great coaches also have vision. They can see things better than they are and help others to share in that idea. They can create movement that inspires others, so that they roll up their sleeves and do what it takes to get the job done. It goes well beyond directing activity, as a great coach will define the future and make it real and attainable for others. Great coaches also understand strategy. They realize that transforming a vision into reality requires incremental changes that amount to radical results. It’s not always about the resources available, it’s knowing how to maximize resources — someone’s will, energy, creativity, courage, faith and determination — to achieve goals. In this video, we can see how Tony Robbins helps world-renowned coach Pat Riley take his game to the next level. He explains why it is so essential to make a goal palatable, understandable, and attainable: Visit Tony Robbins' websites: Follow Tony Robbins @: Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist with over 37 years of experience in personal and corporate development. Known for his dynamic presentations and engaging style, Robbins has inspired millions worldwide. As the nation’s leading life and business strategist, he is sought after by top athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even world leaders for his expert coaching and consulting.

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