Sport Parenting#19: Work with your child s coach in partnership Video

1.3K Views · 6 years ago
1:37 Duration 1.3K Views 6 years ago Submitted
There was a time when the idea of the "perfect" coaching environment was to be able to work with a group of talented, committed, hard-working, passionate athletes, in a world class sporting facility - built right next door to the world's largest orphanage. In other words, to be able to coach athletes - and not have to deal with parents - was the coaching version of "heaven". However, things have changed...and for the better. These days we talk about the Performance Partnership: A child focused "team" of coach, athlete and parent - working together to help the child realize their potential. As it is with all successful partnerships, it is important that each member of the Performance Partnership understand and perform their role to the best of their ability. The role of the coach in the Performance Partnership is to lead and guide the athlete in physical, technical, tactical and mental development. The athlete's role in the Performance Partnership is to do the best they can do - whatever that may be. The role of the parent in the Performance Partnership includes helping the child to develop values such as honesty, respect, humility, courage, commitment, confidence and integrity. Parents also play a critical role in the Performance Partnership by helping to teach the child such essential life-skills as independence, self-responsibility, time-management, the capacity to accept accountability for things they do and say (and don't do and say), the fundamentals of good nutrition and the importance of getting enough sleep. When it comes down to it - all three "partners" - play a significant and important role in the child's development and helping to create the environment and the opportunity for the child to realize their sporting potential. If coaches are exceptional at coaching - and can inspire the hearts and minds of athletes through emotional connection AND Athletes give all they can to all that they do AND Parents are outstanding parents - loving, valuing and accepting their child unconditionally for who they are - NOT for what they do - then the child's success in sport - whatever that may be - is assured. ====== Wayne Goldsmith Coaching Waynes coaching, thinking and teaching have influenced some of the world’s leading athletes, coaches and teams . He is an inspirational speaker and presenter who is able to educate, entertain , challenge and engage audiences of all ages With over 25 years experience working with some of the best coaches, athletes, teams and sporting organisations in the world, WG Coaching offers an unparalleled opportunity for you to become the coach you dream of becoming. ====== Join us on Facebook ====== Latest News on Twitter ======